Friday, February 24, 2012

Round One!

Well, I debated blogging about this…but it’s really not some big, dark secret.  I fell a few weeks ago, and my doctor said the words I SO did not want to hear: “You really shouldn’t live alone anymore.”  I felt like saying, “Well, what am I supposed to DO?!”  I don’t want to leave my home.  Don’t want to leave my Greyhounds.  So begins the search for people…programs…ANYthing that can help me.

After several dead-ends, I finally had a glimpse of hope today.  "Sally" called me back today.  We eliminated one program because I can still dress myself (oh…my…GOSH!!!), but she feels she may be able to put me on a waiting list for some other things to help such as people to help with cleaning -- mopping floors, changing bed linens, doing the bathrooms, etc.  Stuff I simply can’t do anymore.  She is going to call me next month and set up a time to interview me. Going to see what they can do to help.

I’ve gone through a BUNCH of interviews during my life.  I was always sharing what I COULD do before.  You know…selling myself!  Now I’ll be telling her what I CAN’T do.

I don’t like this.  Which reminds me of another thing my doctor told me during my visit with him.  “You’re in denial.”  No argument.  I think it’s the denial that makes me fight.  It’s not so much denial that I close my eyes, turn my head and don’t search for options, alternatives, etc.  But, yes, it sends me to go lacing up my gloves—not going down without a fight!


  1. I'm with you- Keep fighting, girlie. After working in a hospital setting for several years I found that the people that were the fiestiest were the ones that recovered..or that stemmed their disease on some level. You can accept help without giving up your soul! I hope you can find some alteratives that work for you without making you feel helpless-I think that is one of the worst feelings in the world. I have some inflammatory issues and when I am in a flare I feel helpless and useless...NOT a good combination. I will pray for you to find the right road~ xo Diana

  2. You haven't had a home health aide yet? Wow, you amaze me!!! I really hope they can get you an aide, if you get a good one, they can do so much to help you! After all an aide's job description is safely maintain a client in their home! Hugs and good luck sweetie!

  3. Happy to hear that you found a glimmer of hope! Let's hope Sally has an answer for you! Fight Like A Girl!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ


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