Sunday, February 5, 2012

Got Some Free Time?

I enjoy volunteering my time for a person or an organization.  I don’t drive, and I like to write, so one of the ways I volunteer is to write letters.  One of my past commitments included Adopt A Platoon.  I chose to write about them today because I just received their e-newsletter Full Battle Rattle and it jogged some pleasant memories from the dusty recesses of my brain!

Go to and, on the left-hand side of the page, you can click on Pages/Ways to Support, and there are several from which to choose.  I was a Pen Pal and wrote a letter each week.  Now, up front, A.A.P. will tell you (and I will tell you here) NOT to expect a reply.  If your soldier does reply, that’s really wonderful but, oftentimes, they are simply too busy.  Even so, they do appreciate hearing from home.  I know I would were I in the same situation.

Pleasant memories?  One time, I was able to meet one of my soldiers face-to-face when he was stationed at an Army base here.  That was just off-the-charts!
I also like Green Beans Coffee at where you may buy coffee or another beverage for one service member or ANY number!  There is an option to send a note and say “Thanks!” with your coffee and indicate if you would like to be email “pen pals.”  To this day, I still touch base with one of my coffee recipients!
So, who knows what experiences are waiting for you when you invest a little of your time in those who are defending our country?!


  1. I am popping over from Grace's blog (your neighbor). I am glad to have found you here and will be back. You have a wonderful blog and I, too, used to write a lot of poetry. Blessings on this Sunday- xo Diana

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Maybe I'll see some NEW poetry from you! :-) ~Pandora

  2. That you can be so disciplined in your letter-writing is wonderful. I used to be that way, and some time or other I fell off the wagon. I love to read a good letter, so why don't I write more? A great unknown! Ha! Thanks for being a friend to our military!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  3. I too am visiting your blog as a follower of Grace. You are so blessed to be able to write letters to strangers & to be so caring! I Know that all those military solders truly love you. I just joined your blog (as a follower)...I hope you will join mine too. I don't write about any one thing, but I am a newbie & so far I do enjoy meeting other bloggers. I'll see you soon.
    2retirednewmans (Just Another Day)

    1. Thank you, Marje! I'm also a "newbie" and I'll be around to see you, soon! ~Pandora

  4. Just popping over from Grace's blog. I think it is great you do letter volunteering, I would never have thought of it.


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