Sunday, February 26, 2012

Poetry Pause - Early Morning Prayer

May I never forget
that I am One of a Whole --
each are special
each have needs
and no one is invincible.
Grant me courage
to be compassionate,
whether or not
others may understand my tears.
May my heart never
grow cold nor indifferent.
May my eyes never look away.
May my arms never cease to embrace,
my hands never falter to touch.
Grant me courage
to love
with compassion.

(c) 6/2000 Pandora Deichert
Winning poem for July 2000
Poets of The Poet's Porch


  1. Beautiful piece, Pandora. It does take courage to love with compassion, doesn't it? If you get a chance pop by my blog today and sign up for my BLOVERLY giveaway. xo Diana

  2. Thank you, Diana. Am on my way to your Bloverly Blog!

  3. love you,Pandy. that is beautiful...and so are you. :)+


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