Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Snow in March in Arizona?!

I feel like I'm back in PA!  Or even Iowa!  We had snow showers yesterday...weird!  And the temperatures dropped below 30 degrees last night.  Again, weird!  Now it's "weird" mainly because, two days ago, I was wearing Capri's and a t-shirt, and tooling around in bare feet!
My kidz were unimpressed.  Maybe because the ground wasn't really cold enough to lay, so everything just looked wet instead of white.

Max gave a perfunctory look out the window....
...and Mia never even got off the couch!
Well, let's see what happens today.

And, yes!  You guessed it!  I had NO idea what to write about!  Sorry.


  1. Snow, snmow! It's okay on the mountain tops, but I'm ready for Spring to be here and stay here! The Kidz have the right idea...just look, don't get excited, it will be gone soonz the sun comes out.
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  2. First day of spring today. Yeah right! I am hoping we are finished with the cold for a few months now. The snow was pretty on Monday afternoon when it finally stuck on the bushes outside. I think Mia had the right idea.


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