Saturday, March 31, 2012

Journal Entry in March

...12:30...light breezes, sunny with clouds (the big, puffy kind!) and LOTS of doves calling today!...have to laugh when some of the sparrows go to feed on the ground...from the tree limbs, they fold their wings close to their bodies and drop straight down!'s a wonder their little beaks don't get smashed flat against their faces!...THOSE little guys have FOCUS!'s about 70degrees and beautiful out here today...I feel beautiful...and strong...and confident...God is watching over me and I feel so GOOD!

...saw a little yellow butterfly yesterday and was reminded once again of God's voice whispering in the midst of trials, "It'll be okay.You're going to be okay."...I'm thankful for little yellow butterflies

...guess my general mood right now is can one not feel optimistic when there is an explosion of Life going on all around them?!...guess I'll fold my wings against me and dive right into a focus of new surroundings, new circumstances, new beginnings a good quote the other day...don't remember the author:
"It is the Life in all that has value,
and the quality of the Life that determines the value."

...well, considering that the Life in me is Jesus, there's no arguing with that saying!

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